From Anglo Ethnicity Learn
Standard Study
Countries developing should learn from the British and American system facts and culture.
An object is not the facts selves, even not the ideological and intellectual systems of the British and American traditions, but customs and behaviors of Anglo Saxon Culture. From that the traditional, standard of the “Bible” as the source.
Position original is always greater than the emerging order. learning outstanding spirit truly is the reason.
What is the original position inherits rather than the emergence of order?
East Asian countries have always been learning organizations. When we plan to learn from Britain and the United States.
What To Learn
From their customs.
From their original position.
From their belief order and conceptual.
Rather than learn from current technological elements.
How a learner come a wide place is bound to suddenly become clear?
As Economics Studying as an Example.
First, We will accept the concept given by the premise of a rational economic man, but in terms of how to understand the concept of the proposition, Enter our habitual concept in order to understand a concept as the selfish nature. Economy has always existed in the human lifestyle.