Conservatism Value Genealogy

Absolute doubt of humanity

Bonard Walton
2 min readDec 13, 2021
Photo by Sangga Rima Roman Selia on Unsplash

Conservatism believes in the existence of objective existence independent of human knowledge and cognition, which contains some eternal standards and principles, namely objective truth. For human behavior and society, political organizations must pass these standards and principles to test. Conservatism uses such assumptions to observe and judge the world. And this objective order will not be changed by human will. Any attempt to make such an objective effort to bow to one’s subjective will is arrogant. Conservatism recognizes that there is a set of moral and value norms independent of people’s subjective will. People can only respect it, not surpass it, let alone deny it. Many people with a Christian background believe that this objective order stems from the creation of God. Therefore, denying this order is a challenge to God. Conservatives without a Christian background believe that this objective moral order comes from the essence of things or the composition of existence.

The utility of conservatism in social practice. Such a problem path is of course invaluable, explaining the chain of the existence of conservatism. It can be expressed as how conservatism is possible. This is a Kantian question consciousness, the task of pure reason is to answer the “innate comprehensive judgment”. The real thought, science, and knowledge that are universal and inevitably expand the content of knowledge are “how possible” Questions such as how mathematics is possible, how natural science is possible, how metaphysics is possible as a natural tendency, how metaphysics is possible as science, and so on.

After emphasizing that conservatism “has a set of moral and value norms independent of people’s subjective will”, it is divided into two paths: conservatism with the participation of the Christian faith and conservatism without the participation of the Christian faith. The proposition of how conservatism is possible still does not give up absolute doubts about human nature. Conservatism loves human beings and distrusts human nature. It is an absolute doubt about human nature. The pattern of human nature is roughly like this. People can understand and accept many concepts related to value pedigree. For example, almost all people are well aware of the harmfulness of lies, and honesty should be one of the basic principles in life. The regret of human nature is a departure from common sense. Lies have become the wisdom and methods of many people’s lives. The dimension of understanding and construction of conservatism is still doubtful. People are likely to understand conservatism only as a set of systematic concepts, rather than a way of life-based on individual lives.



Bonard Walton

Freelance Writer. Leftist critic. Here I recently started writing for a living as a professional paid writer. I enjoys writing about numerous topic