How to Understand the Paragraph
For Declaration of Independence
The Creator created equal individuals and endowed them with several inalienable rights, among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
——————The basic preconditions of the manifesto of ideas of the soul.
Sometimes I don’t know what’s going to leave an impression. After a long night, started the new time at a diner. As long as I wasn’t busy and side stupefaction for the day was completed, we could read to our heart’s content.
People with liberal tendencies value equality and rights. People with conservative tendencies value the Creator.
From the perspective of the transformation of some dictatorship countries, they value the modern concept of equality and rights. They believe that the meaning of equality and rights is lower than the meaning of state transformation, or that there should be state transformation first, and then equal rights. In their view, the meaning of the country is greater than the meaning of the individual. That is, if the country’s transformation is successful, equality and rights for everyone become possible.
A few people think that the meaning of the individual is greater than the meaning of the country, and suggest that individualism should be placed in front of the meaning of the country.
True conservatism must go back to biblical tradition.
It must assert self that is the preservation of the revelation of God’s Word.