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Priority Principle For U.S.A
In the early years, American issues are always our hot topic. when George W. Bush was president, he and Gore were evenly matched. In the end, it was through the judge’s ruling that Bush Jr. came to power, and Gore immediately declared himself defeated after the court’s announcement. In the same electoral situation.
When Trump accused Biden of fraud and brought the lawsuit to the Supreme Court, people found that this institution, which is known as the highest hall of justice and fairness, closed its doors. refused to hear. The institutional framework of the United States has fallen into huge chaos, and the most intense tear has occurred in the value disputes of Americans.
For a long time, how to interpret the political narrative of the United States has always believed that the United States is a system that wins, and a good system constrains people’s behavior, making people willing to gamble and lose under the premise of rules. Based on this explanation, people certainly have reason to believe that as long as the American system is transplanted to other countries and regions in the world, the cause of modern civilization in the world will be done.
The crux of the problem is that even the best systems are built by people. If people can’t do it, how will the system grow? Some people will say that a good system has a hidden educational function, democracy is a learning process, and a market economy is an educational process. For us, the market is an experience that has become a reality. The question is what kind…